Right now, not much. Pretty much all the videos have been posted, at least all that I could find. There have been a bunch of local festivals going on around here lately, and we've been trying to hit a lot of them. For example, Sally and I went to
OIB's Oyster Festival this past weekend, did NOT shuck any oysters, and basically sat and listened to the Embers, that band out of Raleigh from so long ago. Said "Hey" to Dee & Lad, greased up the golf cart, and rolled around heaven all day (does that sound familiar or what?). Beach weather here has been great lately, and just about
everything is in full swing.
Since a bunch of us family are heading to the Caribbean over the new years, I found these interesting tidbits I thought I'd pass along.
Overseas TravelHere's a neat piece of information for you. There's some free health advise for
international travelers. The
Yellow Book, published every 2 years by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, called the
CDC Health Information for International Travel 2008, is just out and can be downloaded for free at
www.cdc.gov, (click on
Traveler's Health). It describes travel related infections and diseases in each region of the world. It includes updates on immunization recommendations, advise for preventing deep pain thrombosis when flying, and more. Pretty cool, eh?
Passport NewsProcessing is back to normal, expedited service ($60) is now 3 weeks, and for even faster service, Nation Passport Information Service (877.487.2778). Remember, now flying to Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, or the Caribbean requires a US passport, OR valid
drivers license and proof of citizenship (birth certificate, etc.) to reenter the US of A.
The OTHER BlogOK, OK - don't forget to check my other blog (link's over there on the right somewhere). AND, not to be over drawn on the hype meter, that's what my latest subject was all about.
More later ................. more stuff coming up.