Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Dream is STILL Building

Well, it is farther along, but stillnot there yet. Here's the next video:

If you want to check it out at my other site, jump over to and click on the logo. That should work.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Dream is Building

This is the video of the new room under construction.It was shot May 15th, but I wasn't able to post it till just now. We've progressed quite a bit since it was shot, and I'll get another video ASAP. Hopefully, we'll be up and running by mid June, God willing and the creek don't rise.

We're thinking of calling it The Beachmiser's retreat, But that was too obviousand probably in poor taste, so we'll hold off calling it anything right now. But you'll see what we've named it when you visit.

Next video is due out soon. But while you're waiting for this one to load, visit my Digitalshores Video Site for a taste of the same, and the new video.

Monday, May 14, 2007

We're Getting Closer

Everything, hopefully, should be complete in about 2 - 3 weeks. The heavy lifting part is almost complete (re-plumbing the lines for the new bath, completing the framing), and interior work is about to start. No pictures yet, but soon. So stay tuned.

Yesterday, being Mother's Day and all, we took the Moms to Brookgreen Gardens down in the Murrell's Inlet / Pawley's Island area. She'd never been there, neither had Carrie. We took her scooter on the trailer, so she was able to scooter-poot around all over the Gardens. Pretty cool day overall.

Monday, May 07, 2007

We're Under Construction

It's started, the work on the room, I mean. As soon as I have pictures, I'll post a few. We had some initial problems with the City of NMB, but after some heavy arm twisting (by that I mean I had mine twisted) we "got 'er done." A lot of the basic framing is done, and you can see where the windows and doors are going to be. But hey, it's a start.

If you haven't had a chance to get John Reese's latest e-report about the future of internet marketing, then do it now, through his site Income.Com.

I am also still hard at work on my new site, Internet Retirement System.Com, or IRS. Cool huh? Unfortunately, the project list around the house is rather comanding, so the work is slow. But I'll get there. Plus, I am getting some ideas from Reese's new report. It's quite the eye opener.

Enough for now - we'll talk again.