Tuesday, December 14, 2010

History of the Ebook Reader, or EReader

If you’re interested in any eBook reading device and the role it can play in your life, then you might also be interested in the way in which both the reader - and the eBooks they are designed to display - have evolved over time.

The Book’s Journey Into the Digital World

Books themselves are nothing new, with origins centuries back. However, they were something that most people did not have access to until the development of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century. Since then publishing has gone from strength to strength, and the book made its first appearance in the digital world in 1971, with a digital version of the Declaration of Independence: Project Gutenberg was launched (which now houses many free books available to download right to your reader!)

The First Readers Available on the Market

As the popularity of the eBook started to grow, the first eBook reading device was developed in 1998, and websites first begun selling popular books in eBook format. Though the popularity of downloading and sharing eBooks on the internet caught on, the eBook reader itself wasn’t so quick to follow suit, until recently.

The Evolution of Today’s eReader

When it comes to the modern form of the eBook reading device, Sony led the way with its first release in 2006 - being the first to make use of e-Ink technology. It was 2007 when Amazon launched its Kindle in the US, and popularity of the device began to grow at a rapid speed.

Modern eBook readers make use of technology similar to that employed within a computer, with the main difference being the e-Ink screen: designed for the most pleasant reading experience possible. These screens mean that we don’t experience glare as we would with a traditional computer screen or other handheld device.

The Future of the eBook Reader

Readers continue to evolve, bringing bigger and better features to book lovers. These features include larger screens, as seen in the Kindle DX, and will also, in future, involve color screens and perhaps a larger amount of applications and software added onto the main function of reading eBooks.

eBook readers have received some criticism from those who are worried that the book will lose its purpose. However, the popularity of the eBook reading device shows no signs of slowing down, prompting major manufacturers to get in on the act and release their own models.

To see the full array of Ebook readers, or EReaders, visit:

Till we talk again,
The Beachmiser

Friday, December 03, 2010

Article Marketing - Answering the Three Big Questions

We are continuing our series on Internet Marketing, with ..... Article Marketing.

The Internet is crying out for content. There are billions of web pages with millions more being created every day. And every single one of them needs to have something to say - some content to attract visitors.

Article marketing is a branch of Internet marketing that focuses entirely on providing that content. Many people make good money online simply by writing a few articles on a regular basis.

So what is article marketing for, is it as easy as they say and what kind of results can you expect?

Big questions, but I'll do my best to answer them as comprehensively as possible.

What Does Article Marketing Entail?

Article marketing can be as simple as writing a series of articles to put on your own blog or website. If you've ever written a blog post that ran to more than a few hundred words, you've done it already. That is fine, as far as it goes, but why go to all that effort of writing something to only use it once?

Article marketing is about leveraging the effort you've put into creating an article in the first place and getting as much benefit from it as possible.

You do that by syndicating your article for other people to use, with the condition that every time they publish it on their website, they also include a resource box that you specify. That resource box will usually include a link back to a website, or product offering of your choice.

Syndication of your work is easy: there are hundreds of article directories on the Internet who are happy for you to post your work. EzineArticles is perhaps the biggest and best known, but there are many, many more that you can use. The article directories serve two purposes for article marketers: they are a central source for website builders to go to to find content, and they are also quickly indexed by search engines so you'll get backlinks even if nobody else uses your work.

Is Article Marketing as Easy as They Say?

For some people, writing articles is very easy, but for others it can be a chore. Fortunately, like any other skill you need to learn in Internet marketing, the more you practice, the easier it gets.

The trick is to discover what kind of articles are the easiest for you.

The best articles for beginners to write are how-to and tips articles. Both formats start out by identifying a commonly asked question, such as 'how can I stop my dog barking?' or 'what's the best way to make money online?' and provides an answer.

The how-to format is very straightforward - the article would start with a paragraph that expands on the question, move on to four or five paragraphs that explains the solution and ends with a paragraph that sums up both question and answer.

To write a tips article, on the other hand, you would first research 3 or 5 solutions and then, instead of the 4-5 paragraphs in the middle of the how-to article that explains just one solution, you'd have a separate paragraph - perhaps as bullet points - for each tip. The intro and finishing paragraphs would be very similar to the how-to ones.

Once you've written your article (allow anywhere from one to two hours for each one until you get more proficient) your main job is then to get it onto as many article directories as possible. Although you can do this by hand, it takes a lot of time so I would strongly recommend using one of the many article submission services who will do the job for you.

What Kind of Results Can Article Marketers Expect?

The answer to this question depends on how much work you are prepared to put into it.

Frankly, if all you do is write one article a month and submit it to just one or two directories, your results will be very poor.

Professional article marketers write a lot of articles and build up a big online presence for their body of work over time. That can bring them a huge number of backlinks to websites of their choice, a constant flow of traffic to their money sites and, most importantly, a stream of income that once started, is almost impossible to turn off.

In summary, article marketing is a very effective branch of online marketing that can bring excellent results for those who have the writing skills and the determination to build a big body of work online. It is unlikely that any individual article will make very much impact on its own, but 200 or more scattered over the Internet can bring many long term rewards.

To learn more about Article Marketing, especially as Netrepreneurs see it, read the Entrepreneurs Guide to Article Marketing!

To help you with your article writing and get over writer's block, use the Instant Article Creator for Article Marketing. 

And last but not least, here's a simple step-by-step system that will show you how to break the money code and build a massive list with article marketing. Curiously enough, it's called the Article Marketing Money Code.