I have just posted 2 new Alaska videos, but instead of using this blog site to post, I created a new website, specifically for the Alaskan Cruise videos and still pictures. It's a our Alaskan Cruise site (click on the underlined hyperlink), and I'll be adding to it as I get more videos edited and posted.
Here's a new thing I've decided to try, and I wanted to let you know about it. As most of you know, our metabolism slows down as we age, AND, we tend to do a lot less in terms of physical activity (does the term "couch potato" ring a bell?). Well, wanting to do something to supplement my minimal physical (12 oz. curls?) and increase my metabolic rate, I've decided to try HealthSlim from MicroNutra. Click HERE for more serious info. They've got an iron clad money back guarantee.
There's an option to receive an RSS feed to notify you as I add posts to this blog, which I'll do everytime I add a new video, or have something else to say. Here's the URL to get the feed:
http://beachmiser.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss . I use my Yahoo home account to receive the feeds. Pretty neat how it all works, actually.
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