I thought I had everything done. all the Alaskan videos created and edited, and posted. Well, I was wrong. Seems I forgot that YouTube has a max limit size on videos uploaded, and I exceeded that on 2 different videos, unfortunately, the best of the lot because of 1) whales sounding, and 2) the fab Mendenhall glacier. I didn't realize they weren't working for you all until just recently, so now I've got to go back and re-cut/edit those videos into shorted sequences, break them up if you will (or won't).
How could I not realize they weren't working? Easy, I watch them from the original source rather than the posted source at Digital Shores.Net. Which was dumb. 'Nough said. I will now go back and re-cut and re-dit the videos so everyone can see them. I just know you're chomping at the bit now. I can hears the cries, "vid-e-oes, vid-e-oes!" So alright already, I should have them this week at the latest.
Did you all set your clocks back? Don't forget your computers (mine did it automatically a week early). Other places not so evident include thermostat controls if you have a programmed thermostat, portable phones around the house, oven/stove clocks, and of course, your alarm clocks. Car clocks (those are the time pieces in your vehicle, not that kiddie clock on your headboard) but don't reset while you're driving, you're Grandfather's railroad timepiece, and last but not least, The sundial in your back yard.
And don't forget my other blog over at my Shagmiser Blog. It's more Internet Business related, but I do and try to keep up with what's going on, what's being launched, what's new on the horizon, so even if you're the least bit curious, check it out. The Shagmiser Blog.
TTFN - and we'll see you around, but an hour earlier!
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