Monday, October 23, 2006

2 weeks to go and counting .............

Well, you heard it. That's right, just 2 weeks to closing. The countdown is still moving ahead, and we should have blast-off Nov 13th, day-o-closing.

We're going to use a rental truck, so our day-o-packing up will be Saturday, 11/11. Then we'll actually head out 11/14, bright and early. If you interested in any of the stuff listed in the previous blog (scroll down), just let me know. Most of it's already on Craig's List for the DFW area. It's also posted on The video storage cabinet has been sold.

Does everyone have our new beach address? If not, send me an email & I'll send it to you. I don't want to post it here, for obvious reasons.

Also, have you found the new Jukebox site? - nothing commercial - just a cool site to listen to oldies while you're frettering away on the IH. It's at Enjoy.

Hey all - do me a favor and check out the hyperlinks over to the right. Especially the one about Creating Multiple Streams of Income and Dick's Cool Little Website. I either created them or used a template to create them.

Enough for now - we'll talk again.

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