Thursday, November 02, 2006

Closing is now set - D3

November 13th is D3, Done Deal Day. We're in the midst of boxing and packing 23 years+ of STUFF. But I'm taking time out to post this so's we can all catch up a little.

Sally's staying here for awhile (till after the first of the year) to max out her AA bennies, but Suz & I are headed to the beach, probably the on D3 itself. The Saturday B4 is for truck loading and final packing. Then final walk through's and memory trips.
And that's not all, as the S&S girls welcome you to our home at the beach, Susan will be joining the MYR Dillard's, so beach shopping is a major option.

As a repeat from the previous blog entry, if you don't have our new beach address please send me an email & I'll send it to you. I don't want to post it here, for obvious reasons.

That's it for now - we'll talk again.

Tricky "The Beachmiser" Disco Dick

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