Tuesday, June 06, 2006

AAAACH - The Dreaded 06/06/06

I've actually had a pretty rewarding day, despite the dire warnings of the triple sixes. Unfortunately, no nibbles on the house yet. Lots of Lookie-Loos, no Lookie-Offers. But, Hey, it's only been a little over 3 weeks, and it is a buyers market out there. Patience can be its own reward.

If you're looking for a really easy way to make some residual income, with little to no hassle, then go take a look at my Set & Forget site. Simon Ussher has outdone himself on this one.

My Birthday's next week, so I'm ramping down for the inevitable. But BLT & CB are still ahead of me, so I cannot complain. However, Joey the G is still the baby of the family. OK - OK - Just one more. Here's a GREAT Hosting system, Third Sphere.

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