Sunday, August 03, 2008

Steve's Progress

I just read Kendra's latest blog post on hubby Steve, and it sounds like he is doing really well, improving, and getting stronger. Check out her ramblings on the Linn Family Blog. And post a get well comment. She and the girls would really appreciate it.

Well, Melissa's birthday has come and gone - another year sailing by-by. Send her a belated b'day card if you didn't do something originally. We've got to continue reminding her exactly how much water has passed under that bridge. She might not appreciate it, but hey - what's a family for?

It's been 6 months in the making, but the video "Attack of the Mud People, or How We Joined the Krippendorf Tribe" is now available at both (Click on New Year's Sailing Trip) and (search for tag beachmiser, mud people). You can post a comment here or on YouTube about the video. Plus, we want to send it viral, so tell your friends, or not!

I am outta here - TTFN!
BTW - New picture on the profile, check it out!

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