Friday, July 11, 2008

Senate passes Medicare Proposal

Well, it ain't about the beach, but it is about a subject very near and dear to my heart (literally). It's about Medicare, and the new proposal the Senate just passed (yesterday, I think) about improving Medicare. Specifically, the legislation that the Senate passed would:
o Ensure that Medicare patients continue to have access to care;
o Improve prevention coverage and services;
o Improve low-income protections; and
o Provide improved coverage for mental health services.

If you saw anything about it at all on the news, it was probably overshadowed by Senator Kennedy's return to the Senate floor. But this is important legislation, and it's about to be run down and over by a threatened Presidential veto.

If you agree with the proposal (it's called the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008), then follow this link to send your personal endorsement to your Congressional leaders:
In solidarity with millions of Americans that rely on Medicare, tell President Bush to Keep Medicare Fair by signing the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 into law TODAY!

In my state, both our Senators voted against it, why I don't know. But I am for it, and hope you would be as well. And if you agree with me, follow the above link and get involved.

That's it for now - Pray for Surf - and TTFN

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