Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mel's Birthday Today

Yep! It's my sister Melissa's Birthday today, and to celebrate the event, we built here a little web page, just for her Birthday:

So click on over, and enjoy some really great birthday videos. Who knows? You may even be in one of them.
Of course, I'm not gonna reveal her actual age. But send her some birthday wishes anyway.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Linn Story, Dallas visit, ramblings

OMG - it's do or die traffic out there on 17 now. Our season is in full swing, and the tourons are out in numbers. But that's good because that's what our economic engine runs on, touristas.

I just got back from Dallas for a few days and saw lots of folks, but not nearly enough. Just not enough time. But everytime I hit (or even think about) LBJ or Central Expressway, especially during rush hour, I relish our little bit of touron traffic here at the beach, even during high season.

Met with the doers and shakers at the Dallas Dinner Table Friday and Saturday (Chris, Tani, and Tracy) to plan for future directions and web site redo's, then saw John, Susan and Pat by the pool, Tim and Ellen over wine, Blaine and Sheryl over dinner, and the ex-cells over happy hour. In and out. And my profund thanks to Cynthia for her hospitality. Dim Sum never tasted so good.

That recent storm you all probably heard about mostly just passed us by, but dumped a lot of much needed rain. That was a good thing.

Now, I'm off to read neice Kendra's blog and check on hubby Steve's progress. Seems he broke his legs during a boat race just a short while back, but is recovering nicely albeit rather slowly. Check it out and leave Kendra a comment. She doesn't think anyone reads her progress reports. We all want to wish Steve a speedy and healthy recovery.

If you've been recveiving way too much email spam lately, Neil Shearing just posted a video blog about Spam Arrest. Interesting, so check it out at his latest blog post.

That's it for now - and don't forget to send Steve your get well and speedy recovery wishes at Kendra's blog.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Myrtle Beach, Samantha Brown and the Travel Channel

What do those 3 things have in common? You'll find out if you tune into the Travel Channel (channel 111 on TWC).

Here's a reminder from the WEDNESDAY JULY 16, 2008 11:30 pm ET on Travel Channel Samantha Brown: Passport to Great Weekends - Myrtle Beach this weekend .

Samantha's heading to sunny Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. It's famous for golf, but Sam's not big on golfing - so what else is there to do? Samantha hits the beach, bike trails and amusement parks, and goes crabbing with the Crab Cake Lady. She also gets some Shag Shoes from Judy at Judy's House of Oldies, and takes a shag lesson from Judy the Shag Instructor at Fat Harolds.

Here's a special link to Sam discussing here 5 fav things @thebeach:
Click >>> HERE <<< to see the video on the Travel Channel.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Senate passes Medicare Proposal

Well, it ain't about the beach, but it is about a subject very near and dear to my heart (literally). It's about Medicare, and the new proposal the Senate just passed (yesterday, I think) about improving Medicare. Specifically, the legislation that the Senate passed would:
o Ensure that Medicare patients continue to have access to care;
o Improve prevention coverage and services;
o Improve low-income protections; and
o Provide improved coverage for mental health services.

If you saw anything about it at all on the news, it was probably overshadowed by Senator Kennedy's return to the Senate floor. But this is important legislation, and it's about to be run down and over by a threatened Presidential veto.

If you agree with the proposal (it's called the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008), then follow this link to send your personal endorsement to your Congressional leaders:
In solidarity with millions of Americans that rely on Medicare, tell President Bush to Keep Medicare Fair by signing the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 into law TODAY!

In my state, both our Senators voted against it, why I don't know. But I am for it, and hope you would be as well. And if you agree with me, follow the above link and get involved.

That's it for now - Pray for Surf - and TTFN

Friday, July 04, 2008

Plane Crashes in NMB

My nephew-in-law and good friend Doug comes running in the house yesterday hollering at me to hurry and and come on down to the beach. A small single engine banner plane has crashed into the surf, and is upside down in the waves, about 10 - 15 feet off the beach itself. Well, I grabbed my vidcam and we raced off to the beach. Here's the video of the whole thing:

Now, was that exciting, or what?

Well, today is July the Fourth, and everyone will be celebrating in a myriad of ways. We're off to that most traditional of all celebrations, a knock down drag out pool party. Lots of good food, cold beer, frozen margaritas, and some really good beach music. Can't ask for more. And I think it was my long ago ancestor who said originally, "Give me Liberty, or give me the 2 party system, one on Friday, and one on Saturday."

'Nuff said, let's party. TTFN, and we'll see you at the next post.