Well, it's Harley Davidson Bike Week right now, here @the beach. We've got an estimated 200,000 (probably more) bikers roaring up and down the highways and byways and creating a lot of traffic. But's it's fun. If you've never experienced Bike Week, you're missing out. For pictures and stuff, go to the Myrtle Beach Sun Times Website and look at the pictures.
Jan and Greg and Jack just left last Friday, and we miss them already. This was the first time in 32 years since Jan and Greg had been to the beach, too busy raising a family in Dallas. Jack? Well, since he lives in Charlotte, he gets down here quite often, but we hadn't seen him since he and Becki lived in Savannah, a ways back. If you want to see a short video I posted of the visit, go to Jan and Greg and Jack Visit the beach.
Next up? Cynthia and Dina are due in around Memorial Weekend, during Black Biker Week. That should be really interesting. Our buddy Billy (WW) will overlap with them, and he absolutely loves (sic) Black Bike Week. Since we're only 3 blocks off Atlantic Beach (where the HQ is), we'll be able to hear some of the music(?).
A bunch of us went to Mayfest on Main Street, downtown Ocean Drive Beach (or North Myrtle Beach for those map retentive), and I made a jumpy, poorly shot, quickie video of most of what was going on. You can see it, along with the J&G&J Video at digitalshores.net by clicking either of the videos in the "Latest Beach Videos" box.
I've started a new website about our local favorites here in NMB. It's called NMB 4 Locals - check it out when you get the chance. It's still growing, and I add to it every chance I get.
That's it for now - so TTFN and all that.
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