Sunday, September 17, 2006

Second Offer now a Reality

Well, we do have a second offer. It came in right after I sent out that St. Patrick's Irish poem email. So between St. Patrick & St. Joseph, something seems to be working.

The first offer fell through becuase of the way the DFW area has treated our foundation, it lowered it. Yeah, we discovered we had a "slight" out of standard foundation we have to do something about. Well, the second prospective buyers are aware of it, naturally, and we are getting it corrected. But their offer was fair and of course contingent. Now we're just waiting on their inspection guys and whatever other shoe may drop. But if we go forward, we expect to close (and be out of here) by mid November, so you all are stuck with us for awhile.

In the meantime, we're all staying busy. Susan is talking to the Dillard's Beach management tomorow (she and Sally are @thebeach right now (and I'm here?). Sally will probably stay with AA through the first of the year given druthers and options, and I'm happy anywhere there's a PC.

More interesting sites: Free video and vioce emails at But the really good stuff is at my video home, Hello World ............ prepaid 30 day account.

TTFN - and don't forget to check out my Passive Income Opps - ProfitMatic and Pro Wealth Solutions.

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