Well, I'm still in Miami Beach, visiting with Robin and Kathie, helping out, doing this and that, etc. Just laying back, enjoying the MIA summer heat (believe that), and watching the scenery along Ocean Blvd. in SOBE.
It's been awhile since I've been here, but not too much has changed. Here's a picture of the lovely couple and sister Melissa, taken awhile back at Morton's restaurant.
I'm due back in NMB maybe around this coming Tuesday. Back to my beach, with the sand, sun, sea, and surf. Cool stuff. More later, so TTFN.
Oops! I forgot to mention one thing. So if you're on an RSS feed for this, I apologize. Anyway, before I flew down to MIA to visit the younger Bro & Kathie, I bought a Kindle from Amazon.Com, and had it delivered to Robin's MIA address so it would be there when I got there (smart huh?). Anyway, I've been playing with it, and it is fantastic. Not only can I download from over 300,000 ebooks from the Kindle library, I can also download audio books from audible.com and listen to whatever I download. It's a reader, audio player, and all around cool gadget to lay out on the beach with (oops).
But here's the cool thing. The Kindle does NOT need to be connected to your computer to be able to download whatever book it is you want to read. It's got its own wireless network, separate from your computer wireless network. Much like your cellphone. So you can sit on the beach, search the Kindle store, find what you want, then download that book, all while sitting there watching the waves roll in. Pull down your shades, and begin to escape into the wonder of the written word. Now that is too cool.
Get your own Kindle here:
NOW, I'm finished.
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