Friday, November 21, 2008

Some updates - recently updated!

I've been really busy lately, updating this and that:

My Shagmiser Blog
My Internet Retirement Site
My Trivia Answers Site
My Shagmiser Projects Page

just to name a few. So I thought I'd post this for the both of you who follow this blog so you can check out my updates. I also updated the recommended links thingy down on the right (Blogger calles them Gadgets). Took out a lot of outdated links, and added some new ones. Pretty cool, eh?

On to fun stuff. Cynthia's headed our way to visit over Thanksgiving, and good old C.B. is also headed "to the beach." We're gonna have a full house for Turkey Day! Yahoo-ie! Also, nephew Keith is due back from Taiwan, filled we're sure with a wild story or 2.

The Little River / North Myrtle Beach Christmas Holiday Boat "in the water on the ICW" Parade is next Saturday after Thanksgiving, so we're all headed over to Sandy's to watch the parade of Christmas lit boats (or is it the Captian and crew who are lit?). Like previous years, I'll video the whole thing, then post if to YouTube and the pages, so nobody will miss a thing. Be on the lookout.

Actually, you don't have to keep checking here for updates if you use an RSS feed, or just "Follow" this blog. Either way works.

Enough for now - mores courses to keep up with and websites to update. Busy, busy, busy!!!!


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