And Boy Howdy, did it rain. More on that later.
We picked up our RV in Charlotte that Friday afternoon (after driving up from NMB), checked everything out, then boogied on up to the festival in Wilksboro, NC that same afternoon. We got the RV set up in the VFW campgrounds, stowed what needed stowing, then caught the next 20 minute shuttle ride to the Wilks Community College campus which Merlefest takes over for the 4 days of the festival. This was the 21st year of the festival, and you could tell by the overall organization that their experience had paid off.
We rolled into the actual festival, walked around some, caught an early act on the Austin stage, then went ahead on over to the Watson Stage, the main stage, and listened/saw all the main Friday acts. The setup itself it really fantasic, with something like 10 or more performing stages. The main stage was worthy of a Rolling Stones concert, with a huge sound system and oversized video viewing screen for those of us in the really cheap seats. Because of our lateness and the massive amount of people, we had to set up our chairs pretty far back, so the wonderful sound system and viewing screen made it a no-nevermind.
I'll have some picture in future posts over thenext few days so stay tuned. And while you're here, go on over to my other Shagmiser blog. I try and keep it interesting.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Breaking News News News <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Here's a note of interest - I've finally started my "NMB for Locals" website. It's brand new, and only has a few listings. But it's there, so check it out (www.digitalshores.net/nmb4locals) then come back here and leave me a comment, especially if you agree/disagree or have an idea or 2 for some places you know about.