Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Another Open House

We had another open house this past Sunday, and over 10 folks showed up to take the tour. That's a goodly number. Unfortunately, no serious takes as of yet. But our hopes remain high.

If anybody has any pictures from the DS&S Party on 7/22 they'd like to share, please send them to me and I'll post them to the DS&S Farewell Party website.

You all know John Smith, right? Well, he and I have just formed a Joint Venture of sorts. He's got this great programmable hardware device that can limit access to the Internet, or any phone, cable of DSL line. It actually programmitically blocks the line itself, not allowing any traffic to go either in or out during certain times that you set. See the full description. It's called the ..............................

The Ultimate in PC Internet Protection

The Total Internet Access Controller is the last word is internet safety. Using a programmable hardware device, it completely shuts down access to your PC from the Internet whether you're on dial-up, DSL, or a Cable modem. To see what it is we're talking about, go to

John designed and built these things, and I'm going to help market them over the Internet & eBay. BTW, the prices we've set are cheaper on eBay than the website, so search for us there first.

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